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Are Your Employer “Pick-Ups” Properly Documented?
Although most public employers are familiar with the concept of a “pick-up” of employee mandatory contributions, many do not appreciate what is required to properly document a “pick-up”. This post reviews the basics of employer pick-ups and the documentation...
When is a Public Employee a “Qualified Participant” in a Social Security Replacement Plan?
As previously discussed, a public agency that does not have a section 218 agreement has a choice of participating in Social Security or providing a Social Security Replacement Plan (SSRP). Although many California local governments rely on CalPERS as their principal...
Do You Have An Appropriate OPEB Document?
Due to the rising costs of health care and health insurance, pressure from union bargaining partners, and the application of the “equal contribution rule” for public agencies that provide health coverage through CalPERS, many California cities and special districts...
School District 403(b) Plans and Participant-Directed Investments
This post addresses the availability of participant-directed investments in practically all California public school district 403(b)s and why the special rules mentioned in California Government Code section 53213.5 must apply if the 403(b) plan is employer-sponsored....
School District 403(b) Plans and Recordkeeper Selection
Continuing our commentary on California public school and charter school 403(b)s, we shift focus from the ability of a 403(b) employer to limit investment selection to a discussion of the California law on the selection by public school districts and charter schools...
School District 403(b) Plans and Investment Selection
When it comes to 403(b) plans of California school districts or charter schools, there is confusion about the ability of the sponsoring district or charter school to limit the participant’s ability to select a particular insurance provider for their tax-sheltered...
What Is a Section 415(m) Plan, and When Might You Need One?
Because both the Internal Revenue Code (Code) and PEPRA sometimes “conspire” to limit the retirement benefits of public agency employees in ways that make it harder for affected agencies to hire and retain certain individuals, it may become necessary for those...
What Happens to Participants’ 457(b) Deferral Elections When they Pass Away?
Just the other day, a public agency client contacted us to find out what to do with a participant’s 457(b) plan deferral election following the participant’s untimely death due to COVID. As with most cases, cities and special districts would owe the former employee...
Why a Public Agency Might Want to Add a 401(a) Plan
The vast majority of public agencies already maintain a 457(b), or eligible deferred compensation plan. A much smaller number also maintains one or more 401(a) plans in addition. This post discusses some of the reasons a public agency might want to add a 401(a) plan...
Understanding the Difference Between Contributions and Allocations In Public Agency Plans
Most public agency defined contribution plan sponsors can easily recall the current amount being contributed to participants in their plan; however, not all can tell you “how” the contribution is being allocated amongst the participants. The distinction between a...
Public Agencies May Need Help “Managing” Their Managed Account Offerings
Although financial industry reports reveal that more and more plan sponsors are offering managed account options, it is not clear that public agency 457(b) and 401(a) plan fiduciaries understand their responsibilities to select and monitor these investment options....
Public Agencies May Want to Take Advantage of an Anonymous VCP Opportunity Before it Disappears at End of 2021
Recently announced changes in the IRS-sponsored Voluntary Compliance Program (VCP) may encourage public agencies with known plan compliance problems or defects to apply this calendar year under Anonymous VCP, before that option is replaced in 2022. As part of its...