by Jeff Chang | Apr 19, 2017 | 401(a), 457(b) Plans, Fiduciary Duties, Fiduciary Responsibilities, Investments, Plan Administration, Trending Topics
By Jeff Chang Recently, we have dealt with an “epidemic” of retirement plans, both very large and very small, that all have the same problem – the lack of a proper fiduciary structure. Why? As with so many personnel and benefits-related programs, new...
by Jeff Chang | Apr 1, 2016 | Fiduciary Responsibilities, Record Keeping
By Jeff Chang Many public agencies pay little attention to their 457(b) plans because the agencies are not “paying” for them out of their own budgets. See Have You Checked Your Retirement Plan Fees Lately? Plan fiduciaries are legally required, at least in...
by Jeff Chang | Jul 24, 2015 | Pension
By: Jeff Chang The IRS has just announced major changes to its program for reviewing and approving the qualified status of certain retirement plan documents (see, Announcement 2015-19). Essentially, the Service is doing away with its program for issuing determination...
by Jeff Chang | Mar 31, 2015 | Pension
By: Jeff Chang Here’s an interesting difference between public and private industry plans that we were reminded of recently and that we’d like to share with our governmental clients and their advisors because it can be so problematic. In most private industry plans,...
by Jeff Chang | Sep 18, 2012 | Retiree Health
By: Jeff Chang This entry comes to you with the help of my colleague Wendy Tauriainen. A couple of weeks ago we got to talking about the fact that dozens, if not hundreds, of local governments and special districts appeared to be ignoring the proper tax treatment and...